Playstation 5 Tips

Playstation 5 HDMI Port

Sony Playstation 5 HDMI and Overheating Tips

Naughty cats, overheating and why you should lay the console on its side

Three Playstations standing side by side
The alien monolith design of Playstation 5

Covid was a weird time. Playstation 5 units were sold out with Sony scrambling to keep stock going during a global computer chip shortage and scalpers snatching up all the consoles they could get their hands on. Especially with those weird monoliths that were found everywhere for a while. Maybe it was Sony using some guerilla marketing to sell the “unique” design of the Playstation 5. Here are some tips to maintain your console against unwanted HDMI damage and overheating.

HDMI and Center of Gravity

Unfortunately, the stand up design of the Playstation 5 wasn’t such a
stand up design. The Playstation 5 has lots of design flaws (which
we’ll go more into later) but the biggest one is the relationship
between the Playstation 5’s HDMI port and it’s susceptibility to be
knocked on it’s side (a lot of people say by their cats of all things). This causes adverse tension on the HDMI port, effectively twisting the port in an awkward way and either breaking or damaging the port severely. No offense to the supreme cat rulers!


Overheating and why

The other big thing we see a lot is overheating. These Playstation
5’s run some very advanced chipsets that produce an immense amount of
heat. The Sony engineers decided that they’d like to try a new thermal
substance for their APU dies called Thermal Liquid. I would have
named it Fancy Sauce. But, that would be a lie, as there’s nothing fancy
about thermal liquid. They also decided to put that liquid in a console
that stands on its side causing all the liquid to sit at the bottom of
the APU. When standing up right, the top half of the APU has no thermal
liquid to wick its heat away. One half of the die is sitting in a nice,
really cool spot, the other half is sitting in a hot, scolding ruin. I
would imagine it being like doing a hand stand in a way too-hot jacuzzi
with the other half of your body sticking out into an Antartic winter.

The healthy and safe way to stand a Playstation 5
The healthy and safe way to stand a Playstation 5

Our advice!

To guard against HDMI damage and overheating, set your Playstation 5 horizontal, on its side for longer life, better cooling and safer stability.

Tell your cats, “pss pss pss”.

We offer repairs in Playstation 5 HDMI ports, as well as cleaning (we can clean most game consoles) and application of more or new thermal liquid.

Click here for pricing!

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